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If you are looking for a great vacation destination close to the USA try the world famous resort town of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. You will be dazzled by the warm clean waters, beautiful beaches, the hotels and resorts. Cabo San Lucas offers everything a vacationer could want in an exotic setting and more. After your short flight which ends at the Los Cabos International Airport, you are 30 to 40 minutes away from Cabo San Lucas.

Cabo San Lucas was just a quiet Mexican town in the late 1940's after WWII and wealthy Americans began to fly in and sail their yachts to Cabo for vacations and deep sea sports fishing. Some of these wealthy Americans pooled their resources and built the first hotel in this resort. Shortly there after the airport was upgraded and a road was completed from the airport to Cabo. Other hotel projects followed and today you have world class accommodations and Cabo San Lucas has become an important tourist attraction for the Mexican economy.

The Mexican government has spent millions of dollars on developing the infrastructure in and around Cabo San Lucas to support the rapid growth of the town and the tourism in the area.

Cabo San Lucas offers a refuge from the daily hustle and bustle of every day life. It is affordable and can be enjoyed on a budget. You can find a bargain resort or hotel package and go down to Baja California,Mexico and relax on a quiet beach or forget about the 'rat race' playing water sports. You can 'hang out' at night clubs, with family and friends or find great restaurants that you can eat at on a family budget or have an expensive gourmet meal.

Cabo truly is the vacation for a great variety of travelers, couples, honeymooners and people of all ages will find what they want to do in this resort town.

There are so many things to do in Cabo they are almost too numerous to list. For example, swimming, snorkeling, deep sea fishing, surfing, scuba diving, para sailing, kayaking, whale watching, boating, ATV road tours, dirt biking, golfing, spas, restaurants, night clubs, shopping, and so on. Have Fun!

For more information about Cabo San Lucas,Mexico clink on to this link:

Harvey J. Williams has been in the practice of Orthodontics for over thirty years. He is also an author and entrepreneur. Dr. Williams recently started an online marketing business and through his articles is sharing.

For information on another subject go to www.tahitianparadise.docharvslist.com
Article Source: www.ezinearticles.com


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