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The must exciting Jungle Crossing: Maya jungle + unimog 4X4 + undergruond river...

Discover unforgettable experiences through adventure expeditions tu unusual and amazingly beautiful sites inside the exuberant jungle of the Maya Riviera.

Enter the inaccesible Maya jungle where only a 4X4 mercedes benz unimog can take you. Discover in Nohoch the biggest system of underground rivers... as you saw it on NATGEO!!!

Nohoch is the most spectacular snorkeling of the Mexican Caribbean... and the most beautiful natural swimming pool on the planet like Yaaxmul.

Sustainable development has become Alltournative's primary mission. Through agreements that protect privileged areas, through the promotion of ecological technologies in the visited communities, and through the diffusion of respect for natural resources and the environement.

The commitement preserve the natural and cultural beauty of the area through present and future generations...

With several Awards and Recognitions, this paradise offer the unique and exclusive destinations, with small groups, expert guides fluent in various languages.

Equipement for all activities, transportation, entrance fees... and also meals and beverages included.

A place next from Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, Mexico.

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