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By: Shristy Chandran

Renting one of the holiday villas in Spain is like putting the luxe in luxury. In fact, many, including Hollywood A-listers, consider renting holiday villas in Spain a major luxury that comes with fame and money. And, we mean, who wouldn’t? Imagine having to wake up with the sweeping view of the mountains, the sun kissing your face, and with almost every pleasure imaginable right within your reach.

Renting holiday villas is like buying your very own hotel for your accommodation in Spain. Aside from having all the five star hotel-like amenities, holiday villas in Spain are annually improved by their owners and property manager so you will not only have what you need but what you desire. Holiday villas in Spain are the epitome of grandiosity and splendor of the Hispanic culture and tradition. Built to be the perfect picture of the festivity of Spain, holiday villas are designed with bright colored walls, planned with grand staircase, given with generous veranda, and fitted with modern luxuries.

And the best thing about these villas is that you have all these amenities all to yourself. Hollywood A-listers and elites invest in these villas not for the amenities itself, not even for the status that comes with owning one, but the sense of privacy and that they and their family are safely tucked in by the villas, away from the prying eyes of outsiders.

If you’re planning to rent villas in Nerja, it is best that you do some research on the available villas months before your planned vacation. Villas in this area vary not only in terms of their architectural design but most importantly with what they offer. From mountain foothills to beachside property, villas greatly differ even with those that can be found in the same area. In spite of their differences, only one thing can be sure: They offer private luxury and the best living.

Villas are essentially large and spacious spaces. If you are googling for two bedroom-villas in Spain, then, you’ll find none. Villas automatically translates to luxe living, so all that are available are simply spacious enough to house over a dozen guests. Following traditional Spanish architectural practices, holiday villas in Nerja boast of grand towers, columns, colonnades, extensive reservoirs, and gardens. The better view and amenities, the grander the price tag. Essentially, price is not an object to those who plan to rent or buy a grand edifice, but for travelers who will be staying a week, remembering that amenities pump up the rent on these items. In renting holiday villas, make sure that you check all these before paying your accommodation.

About the Author

Shristy Chandran writes on various travel topics like holiday villas, villas in Nerja and villas in Spain


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